My full name is…
Rose Smith
I grew up…
In Perth with my brother and 3 sisters.
My cultural background is…
My Dad was born in England and my Mum in the Bahamas. They both moved to Australia when they were young.
You will usually find me…
Either at home in our apartment in Brooklyn or at our cabin in upstate New York. I love the balance of city and country life.
I am happiest when…
I’m with Indi and my husband, singing, laughing and cuddling together. And when the house is tidy.
My favourite time of day…
Indiana’s name came from…
My childhood. I chose it for my future child when I was like 9 or 10, and it stayed with me.
Our morning ritual…
Waking up when Indi wakes. We put him between us in bed, and I feed and cuddle him. We have another nap before getting up for the day. I love that time with him.
The best evening…
Great food, wine and company at home, or at one of our favourite restaurants.
My favourite place in the world is…
In bed with a cup of coffee in the morning.
Before becoming a mother, I was…
Always so busy. I now realise that having a baby makes you truly busy. I have no idea what I spent so much time doing before.
Right now I am…
Enjoying every new stage of my baby. I am in awe of him growing and changing everyday.
The best lesson I’ve learnt…
Guilt and perfectionism is a trap.
How I find balance…
I try to write down my to-do list most days to clear my mind and I’m working on giving myself more time to relax and just be amidst the chaos of being a mum.
Something most people don’t know about me is…
I’m a homebody.
What makes me dance…
A dance floor at a wedding. It’s always so much fun.

The soundtrack to my life…
I guess it should be Folklore for the amount of times I have listened to it.
The person I admire most…
Mothers, women.
The perfect scent is…
Anything woodsy. I’m currently wearing Super Cedar from Byredo.
I feel womanly when…
I’m with my baby, feeding him and being his mumma.
I feel comfortable when…
I’m with my family and friends.
I relax when…
I’m in the bath with a book and a glass of wine.

My favourite body part is…
My whole body. I am amazed at my body for growing a baby, and for being capable of feeding him. I’m very grateful for everything my body has been able to do. Women are incredible!
My favourite snack is…
A charcuterie board.
My favourite colour is…
At the moment it’s ochre and rust, but I love any colour from fall.
Our family tradition is…
We love sitting around the fire pit upstate in the early afternoon to watch the sunset.
I am grateful for…
Indiana being here and becoming a mother. I loved the anticipation of waiting to meet him, but it’s a lot more fun now he’s here. I’m so grateful for it all.
I am looking forward to…
Getting back to Australia this year. I haven't seen my family for 3 years because of the Pandemic. I miss them so much and can’t wait for Indi to meet his family in Australia.
Self-portraits by Rose Smith in Brooklyn, New York.