My full name is…
Carly Russ Peterson.
But my friends call me…
Car or Cici.
The view from my bedroom…
Is into my backyard, I can see my blooming rose bush from there.
The perfect day is…
Spontaneously exploring a new little town and checking out local shops and food.
My favourite place in the world is…
Anywhere I’m with my husband and our son.
The perfect evening…
Mid-summer when it’s still hot out and having dinner outside on the patio.
I find comfort in…
Nourishing my family.
Before becoming a mother I was…
A model, stylist, vintage hoarder.
Right now I am…
Falling deeper into motherhood and loving it.
My favourite body part is…
My legs.
Womb Service is…
Nourishing new and returning mothers during the 4th trimester with nutrient dense foods and herbs to support their healing bodies.
Being a mother is…
Letting yourself sink deep in all things that come along with motherhood… the good and the ugly. Really embrace it.. this time is so fleeting. Not getting hung up on the failures and soaking in all the highs.
I care for others by…
Cooking for them.
I care for myself…
Taking a long bath.
Three words that describe me are…
Loyal, nurturing, strong willed.
My favourite snack is…
A raw cheese, meat, and green olives board.
My favourite thing to listen to…
Right now is Kacey Musgraves.
Something people don’t know about me…
I’m a total dork. Once you get to know me you realise I’m not as serious as I portray myself on the internet.
The scent of home is…
Lavender essential oils and freshly baked bread.
I am my happiest when…
I’m snuggling with my baby.
I am moved by…
People going against the grain.
Our family tradition…
We make homemade pizza every Sunday!
My favourite childhood memory…
Going camping with my family every fall.
I am hopeful for…
Raising strong and kind children who are not afraid to think outside the box!
I am looking forward to…
Being fully sustainable out of my home someday. Cooking from my garden and having a farm.