My full name is…
Carla Jianina Cristiana Alvarez Uriarte.
But my friends call me…
I live with…
My partner Dave and our soon to be born baby.
My bedroom window…
Is on a cliff that looks over the sea.
I grew up…
Moving between L.A and San Francisco.
I am expecting…
A giant shift.
I first discovered art…
When I was 7 and realised how relaxing colouring is.
But before that I thought I’d pursue…
I find inspiration…
In community.
Right now I am…
Finding peace in slowness.
In the future I hope to…
Continue being a part of something bigger than myself.
My favourite place in the world is…
The sea.
You will usually find me…
At Cafe Freda’s.
The perfect morning is…
Not rushed.
The soundtrack to my life is…
Luther Vandross ‘Never too much’.
I am where I am today because of…
Perseverance and consistency.
I am my happiest when…
I feel free.
I feel womanly when…
I dance.
I feel safe when…
I breathe deep.
My favourite body part is…
My belly.

My favourite colour is…
I have never been able to choose.
I love listening to…
NTS radio.
I relax when…
My to do list is completed.
My favourite thing to do with my family is…
My favourite childhood memory…
Running free with my sister in pier 39.
I am looking forward to…
Meeting my baby girl.
Photographed by Carla's partner Dave, at home in Sydney, Australia.