My full name is….
Ana Paula Reyes Ochoa.
But my friends call me…
I grew up…
In a beautiful colonial city called Morelia—located in central Mexico.
Luna’s name came from…
My appreciation for the Moon. I’m at peace when starring at it on the night sky.
My favourite place in the world is…
Barcelona. Its art, architecture and culture makes me fall in love with it over and over again.
You will usually find me…
Getting an oat matcha latte from the local coffee shop.
The perfect morning is…
Waking up early to see the sunrise, sipping tea, listening to my favourite songs.
The perfect evening is…
At home with my love Jose—Luna sleeping, cozy candle lights, great music, delicious food.
The soundtrack to my life is…
Some sort of a jazz/psychedelic rock mix.
I am where I am today because of…
Following my heart and trusting my decisions.
Before I became a mother, I was…
Working, enjoying the present, but also ready for something new.
Right now I am…
Eating a mango popsicle.
In the future I hope to…
Travel as a family. I can’t wait to see Luna exploring the world and it’s beautiful cultures.
I seek inspiration…
In little moments of my day-to-day life. It can be anything; feeling the wind blowing on my skin, going for a long walk, talking to a stranger…
My favourite thing to do with my family is…
Dancing together in the living room.

My favourite childhood memory…
My grandpa used to take me to this coffeeshop with a big patio and a Bougainvillea tree. I used to climb it to pick flowers, and then use them to paint on napkins with their pigment. Fun times.
I am my happiest when…
I am surrounded by beauty.
I feel womanly when…
I am lounging around the house in just my underwear.
I feel comfortable when…
Luna, Jose and I are cuddling in bed.
I feel safe when…
I surround myself with people who accept me just the way I am.
The perfect scent is…
Fresh rosemary.

My favourite body part is…
My hips—the centre of feelings, emotions, sensuality and creativity.
My favourite colour is…
I love listening to…
Mort Garson – Mother Earth's Plantasia, on vinyl.
I relax when…
In the bathtub, I get my ears under the water and listen to my breath and heartbeat.
I am moved by…
Women who fight to bring more equality and fairness to our world.
I am looking forward to…
Rediscovering my creative self as a mother.
Photographed by Ana's partner, Jose Diaz, while on vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.